: Running two systems in parallel essentially doubles resource consumption.
Payback method
: Product life cycles and rapidadvances in technology, the effective lives of information systems tend to be short.
Phased cutover
: Operating the new system in modulesphasing in the new system in modules reduce the risk of a devastating system failure.
: Ability of a variable, function or object to take on multiple forms. It allows multiple and different objects to respond to the same message.
: Well-structured steps and procedures within its programming context to compose a program.
: Allocationofresources to individual applications within the framework of the strategic plan.
: Document provides management with a basisfordeciding whether to proceed with the project.
Project schedule
: Document that formally presents management’scommitment to the project.
Quality assurance group
: Programmers,analysts,users, and internal auditors to simulate the operation of the system to uncover errors, omissions, and ambiguities in the design.
Run manual
: Computeroperators use documentation transaction (input) files, master files, and output files used in the system.
Schedule feasibility
: The firm’s abilitytoimplement the project within an acceptable time.
Special-purpose system
: Software vendors create accounting procedures to selected target segments of the economy.
: Entities either inside or outside an organization that have direct or indirect interest in the
Steering committee
: An organizational committee consisting of senior-level management responsible for systems planning.
: Budgetingresources for other strategic activities of systems resources at the macro level.
: Design is usually documentedbydataflow and structure diagrams to depict the top-down decomposition of a hypothetical business process.
System survey
: Determination of whatelements, if any, of the current system should be preserved as part of the new system.
: Analysis and recommendations for the new system.
Systems analysis
: Two-stepprocess that involves a survey of the current system and then an analysis of the user’s needs.
: Formalprocess consisting of two major phases: new systems development and maintenance.
: An optimizationprocess that seeks to identify the best system.
Systems maintenance
: Modifying the system to produce a new report or changing the length of a data field.
Systems planning
: Linking of individual system projects or applications to the strategic objectives of the firm.
Systems professional
: Systemsanalysts,systemsengineers, database designers, and programmers gather facts about problems with the current system, analyze these facts, and formulate a solution to solve the problems.
Systems selection report
: The deliverableproduct of the systems selection process.
Tangible benefits
: Organization to reduceinventories and at the same time improve customer service by reducing stock outs.
Technical feasibility
: The physical basis for most of the system’s design features, this aspect bears heavily on the overallfeasibility of the competing system.
Third-generationlanguages (3GLs)
: Programlogic is executed by the programmer to specify the precise order in procedural language.
Turnkey system
: Completelyfinished and tested systems that are ready for implementation.
: Train the novice or the occasional user.
User handbook
Documentation will guide the user interactively in the use of the syste
Vendor-supported system
: Customsystems that organizations purchase from commercial vendors.
: Analysis of system design to ensure the design is freefromconceptualerrors that could become programmed into the final system.