Stigma Related stress (racial, sexual, or gender minority)
Social norms
Psychological/Psychodynamic causes of SUD
Lack or early nurturing or strained relationships to caretakers can create dependency needs that cause them to develop substance use disorders
Cognitive Behavioral Causes of SUD
People develop substance use disorders because they become conditioned by the rewarding effects of the drug
Biological Causes of SUD
Substances activate the "reward pathway" in the brain
When you take substances, neurotransmitters like dopamine are released, making you feel happy and elevated
Reward deficiency sydrome
The reward system is no longer activated by normal life so you only look to drugs for that reward
Cognitive Behavioral Therapies for SUD
Behavioral self-control training (BSCT)
Relapse-Prevention Training
Behavioral self-control training
Clients keep track of their own use and triggers
Learn coping strategies for such events
Learn to set limits on drinking
Relapse-Prevention Training
Planning ahead for triggering situations
Gaining control of cravings or urges to use
Biological Therapies
Detox: ideally medically managed in either outpatient or inpatient care
Antagonistic Drugs: reduce symptoms and cravings after detox
Drug maintenance therapy: when people are given a medication substitute for the drug theyre using to reduce cravings and some of the dangers of using a street drug
Self-help programs
People opt-in to receive treatment
Residential treatments
Therapeutic communities
Some programs are culture/gender specific
Most common place of treatment
Outpatient rehab
Slow the activity of the central nervous system
ethyl alcohol is absorbed through the blood via the stomach. Alcohol helps GABA- an inhibitory messenger- block messages from transmitting from neuron to neuron which relaxes the user
Sedative-hypnotic (anxiolytic)
produce feelings of relaxation and drowsiness
Benzodiazepines and barbiturates
Opioids are...
Opioid Addiction often treated with
methadone, buprenorphine, or naltrexone
Substances that increase activity of the CNS- increase blood pressure, heart rate, and alertness
Examples of stimulants
AKA Psychedelics, can cause changes to sensory perception causing illusions or hallucinations