Vision (Rods/Cones, Eye)
Hearing (Hair cells, Ear)
Smell (Olfactory neurons, Olfactory mucous membrane)
Taste (Taste receptor cells, Taste buds)
Rotational acceleration (Hair cells, Ear (semicircular canals))
Linear acceleration (Hair cells, Ear (utricle and saccule))
Touch pressure (Nerve endings, Various nerve endings)
Warmth (Nerve endings, Various)
Cold (Nerve endings, Various)
Pain (Naked nerve endings, Various)
Joint position and movement (Nerve ending, Various)
Muscle length (Nerve ending, Muscle spindle)
Muscle tension (Nerve ending, Golgi tendon organ)
Arterial BP (Nerve ending, Stretch receptors in carotid sinus and aortic arch)
Central venous pressure (Nerve endings, Stretch receptors in the wall of great veins and atria)
Inflation of lungs (Nerve endings, Stretch receptors in lung parenchyma)
Temperature of blood in head (Neurons, Hypothalamus)
Arterial oxygen pressure (Nerve endings, Carotid and aortic bodies)
pH of CSF (Receptors, Ventral surface of medulla oblongata)
Osmotic pressure of plasma (Cells, Anterior hypothalamus)
A/V blood glucose difference (Cells, Hypothalamus)