A component in a material system that is distinguished by chemical composition and/or physical state. Matter can exist in the solid, liquid, and gaseous phases
A measure of the amount of space occupied by an object. Can be measured directly with equipment designed using graduations marks or indirectly using length measurements depending on the state (gas, liquid, or solid) of the material
MATTER is anything that occupies space and has mass. Every single thing, visible or not is MATTER. Each piece of matter is made up of tiny molecules, that are in constant motion. In turn, molecules are built of even smaller particles called ATOMS
Matter can exist in one of three main states: solid, liquid, or gas. The change in state can be brought by the effect of heat or a change in temperature
When a substance undergoes a physical change, its composition remains the same despite its molecules being rearranged. Physical changes do not change the nature of the substance. Physical change affects only physical properties i.e. shape, size, etc.
When a substance undergoes a chemical change, its molecular composition is changed entirely. Thus, chemical changes involve the formation of new substances. A chemical change is a permanent change. Chemical change both physical and chemical properties of the substance including its composition
A type of matter with no definite properties. It is made up of two or more kinds of substances, each of which retains its own characteristic properties
A chemical system where the components separate into distinct regions such as the composition and physical properties vary from one part of the system to another
When a mixture is formed, no chemical reaction occurs. A mixture has the properties of its component parts of substances. A mixture can be easily separated by physical means, without involving chemical reactions. The components in a mixture are mixed together without any fixed proportion
The table in which the symbol for each element is enclosed in a box is called PERIODICTABLE. In the periodictable the elements are arranged in vertical columns so that closely related
A substance consisting of the atoms of two or more elements that are chemically combined in a fixed proportion. Cannot be separated into other substances by physical methods
Also called carbon compounds, substances that contain carbon. Except carbonates, carbides, cyanides, carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide. The carbon compounds being referred to are those that usually come from living matter and their remains
Characteristics of a material that can be observed without changing the identity of the material. Can be observed or measured without changing the fixed composition of a substance. Enable us to distinguish substances from one another. Include color, taste, odor, hardness, melting point and boiling point