Unit 2

Cards (114)

  • Utility
    The total satisfaction received from consuming a good or service
  • Marginal utility

    The extra satisfaction derived from consuming one extra unit of the good
  • Demand curve is downward sloping

    Because of diminishing marginal utility
  • Consumer surplus generally declines with extra units consumed
    Because the extra unit generates less utility than the one already consumed
  • Consumers are willing to pay less for extra units
  • Utility maximisation for consumers

    Aim to generate the greatest utility possible from an economic decision
  • Utility maximisation for firms

    Aim to generate the highest profits possible
  • It is assumed that economic agents only act in their own interests
  • Some firms might have philanthropic owners who seek to maximise the utility of others
  • Rational economic decision making
    Economic agents respond to incentives, which can allocate scarce resources to provide the highest utility to each agent
  • Positive incentives

    Rewards which will make consumers better off
  • Negative incentives
    Penalties which make consumers worse off
  • Where incentives are not given properly, resources will be misallocated
  • Prices in market economies
    Provide signals to buyers and sellers, which is an incentive to purchase or sell the good
  • High demand and high price for a good

    Gives an incentive to firms to allocate more resources to producing that good
  • Entrepreneur wants to avoid loss and gain profit
    Makes them want to innovate, so they can reduce their production costs, and improve the quality of their products
  • Firms need an incentive to engage in risk taking, so they innovate
  • Without innovation (i.e. new tech), production will cost more and there will be a misallocation of resources
  • Intuitive decision making

    Uses the feelings or instincts of the consumer and does not use facts
  • Rational decision making
    Involves analysis and facts, and follows several steps
  • Steps in rational decision making
    1. Identify the problem
    2. Find and identify the decision criteria
    3. Weigh the criteria
    4. Generate alternatives
    5. Evaluate alternative options
    6. Choose the best alternative
    7. Carry out the decision
    8. Evaluate the decision
  • Rational decision making is not always the best or most realistic way for firms to make decisions
  • Rational decision making takes significantly longer to decide, which is not practical in a firm with strict time constraints
  • Thinking at the margin
    Thinking about the effect of an additional action
  • Thinking at the margin allows consumers to keep thinking ahead and prevents them from thinking about things they have already done
  • Thinking at the margin allows consumers to consider how to maximise their utility now or in the future
  • Thinking at the margin can increase productivity, since the most important tasks which maximise utility the most, are the ones which are prioritised
  • Symmetric information
    Consumers and producers have perfect market information to make their decision
  • Imperfect information

    Information is missing, so an informed decision cannot be made
  • Imperfect information

    Leads to a misallocation of resources
  • Imperfect information
    Consumers might pay too much or too little, and firms might produce the incorrect amount
  • Asymmetric information

    Unequal knowledge between consumers and producers
  • Asymmetric information

    Leads to market failure
  • Asymmetric information

    • Car dealer knows about a fault with the car that the consumer is unaware of
    • Consumers know more information than the producer when purchasing insurance policies
  • Principal-agent problem

    The agent (politicians or managers) makes decisions for the principal (voters or shareholders), but the agent is inclined to act in their own interests, rather than those of the principal
  • Principal-agent problem

    • Shareholders and managers have different objectives which might conflict
    • Managers might choose to make a personal gain, rather than maximise the dividends of the shareholders
  • Making information more widely available
    1. Advertising
    2. Government intervention
  • Making information more widely available
    • Harmful effects of smoking made public through adverts and messages on cigarette boxes
  • Bounded rationality
    Individuals are rational decision makers who endeavour to maximise their utility, but have limitations
  • Administrative Man model
    • The first alternative that is satisfactory is selected
    • The decision maker recognises that they perceive the world as simple
    • The decision maker recognises the need to be comfortable making decisions without considering every alternative
    • Decisions could be made by heuristics