Cards (5)

  • * practical applications for animal studies?
    • harlow showed not forming att can lead to severe dysfunction in later life
    • has helped us in real world to benefit children
    • social workers used h research to understand risk factors in child neglect & abuse so can intervene & prevent it
    • e.g neglected child can be placed in care system/adopted - ensures they receive appropriate care to enable them to form att bonds with mother figure.
    • findings of research have been utilised to support human infants in real world
  • X evidence to contradict lorenz's research?
    • guiton et al 1966 found young chicks imprinted on yellow washing up gloves & would try mate with them as adults
    • with experience they learnt to prefer mating with other chickens.
    • proposes impact of imprinting on mating behaviour & later relationships not permanent as originally believed
    • must be other important factors when forming att at birth
  • X problems generalising to humans?
    • lorenz interested in imprinting in geese
    • attachment style of mammals quite different from that in birds
    • e.g mammalian mums show more emotional att to infants that do birds
    • harlow studied monkeys which are more similar to humans
    • are still huge differences such as cognitive abilities/use of language/social systems
    • concepts such as imprinting & contact-comfort may not be applicable to all species
    • difficult to generalise findings of research to att in humans
  • X ethical issues?
    • pro - benefit to study animal att instead of humans would be far too unethical to carry out research on human infants
    • since would involve maternal deprivation to see att behaviour
    • breaks guideline of protection from harm
    • con - if its too unethical to study human att then should be same for animals
    • h research very unethical as monkeys deprived from mothers
    • may have experienced distress & potential psychological harm
    • ? integrity
    • can be argued that animals have right to not be studied/harmed in pursuit of academic conclusions for human benefits
  • X cvs influenced harlows research?
    • 2 stimulus objects varied in more ways than being cloth covered/not
    • heads of 2 mothers varied alot
    • cloth mothers face resembled an actual monkey
    • may have acted as cv as monkeys may have bonded with cloth mum & sought refuge not because provided comfort but instead was more familiar
    • ? internal
    • cvs impacted results
    • difficult to establish cause & effect relationship between importance of contact-comfort & formation of att bond