experimental design

Cards (17)

  • experimental design must make the hypothesis testable
  • independant group design - means different participants in each group
  • independant pro - no order effects
  • independant con - participant variables - time
  • repeated measures design - use same group twice
  • repeated cons - order effects
  • repeated pros - less participant variables
  • matched pairs design - participants in both groups are matched on certain factors like age and iq
  • matched pro - no order effects - participant variables
  • matched cons - more participants - time consuming
  • control groups - behaviour is not manipulated
  • research should be highly controlled to limit the effects of extraneous variables
  • random allocation - everyone has an equal chance of doing each condition
  • counterbalencing - half of the participants with first task then second and half with second then first
  • standardised instructions - ensure the experimenters act the same way with all participants
  • randomisation - material is presented in a random order - avoid order effects
  • pilot study - small scale study ran before to establish any issues