Red Power Movement

Cards (5)

  • American-Indian Movement (AIM)- a group that wanted to create economic independence for Native Americans, land reclamation, less police brutality.
  • Thousands of people sign up for a program being promised money, and then the government didn’t provide jobs, money, or housing. This led a lot of Native Americans to reside in Indianapolis.
    Occupations- moving into a place and refusing to leave until justice is served.
  • Alcatraz building- 1860s, US government signed the Ft. Laramine Treaty, promising that any land abandoned by the US government would be returned to Native Americans. Not fulfilled until now.
    Indians of All Tribes- saw Alcatraz was abandoned and moved into Alcatraz to prove a point that the gov’t didn’t keep their promise. They built a school, market, radio station, everything needed to live on Alcatraz.
  • A “mystery“ fire was caused by military sneaking on the island and setting it on fire, Native Americans had to move out. This lasts over a year.
    Wounded Knee- where Sitting Bull & Crazy Horse were murdered. Pine Ridge is/was the poorest place in the country.
    AIM and other groups move to Pine Ridge to help the residents with guns to protect their land. Some of the protesters were arrested, both sides shot for 3 months, more pressure on Fed. gov’t.
  • Self Determination Act- gave Native Americans more control over their land.
    Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA)
    Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA)- helps Native Americans claim Native children victims of going to Residential Schools and being taken away by the government, or just losing their family.