
Cards (14)

  • What can help to diagnose lung disease?
    measures of lung function
  • What do lung diseases affect?

    both ventilation (breathing) and gas exchange in the lungs
    • ie how well the lungs function
  • What can doctors carry out?
    tests to investigate lung function and diagnose a lung disease
  • what is TIDAL VOLUME?
    The volume of air in each breath
  • what is tidal volume usually between?
    0.4dm3 and 0.5dm3 for adults
  • what is ventilation rate?

    the number of breaths per minute
  • what is ventilation rate for a healthy person?
    about 15 breaths per minute
  • what is FEV1 ?
    Forced expiratory volume
  • what is forced expiratory volume??

    the maximum volume of air that can be breathed out in 1 second
  • what is FVC?
    Forced vital capacity
  • What is forced vital capacity?
    the maximum volume of air it is possible to breathe forcefully out of the lungs after a really deep breath in
  • how can you figure out tidal vol, ventilation rate and other measures of breathing?
    from the graph produced from a spirometer
  • what is a spirometer used for?

    to measure the volume of air breathed in and out
  • what does dm3 stand for?
    decimetres cubed. 1dm3 = a litre