The prelude

Cards (4)

  • 'growing still in stature the grim shape towered up'
    conflict with humans and nature = stark contrast of nature before to be beautiful. Personification shows nature is alive and is dangerous, it will not tolerate humans to destroy or manipulate it. The mountains have blocked out the light.
  • 'small circles glittering idly in the moon'
    imagery is mesmerising = Circles = everlasting natural world. Romantic description, at this moment nature is tranquil and caring. 'glittering' = magical and fairy tail like. = link to 18th century romantic movement
  • 'huge peak, black and huge'
    nature is powerful and overwhelming = Repetition o 'huge' signifies it's vastness and the extent it dominates and intimidates the narrator. 'Black' creates a dark, gothic, deadly image, the colour could also be a criticism of the industrialisation and how we are destroying the countryside. It is now destroying us .
  • 'act of stealth, guilty pleasure'
    fear nature as we manipulate it = mankind is selfish, taking from and manipulating nature who is truly dominant. Oxymoron = 'guilty pleasure' suggests he is so scared he feels bad butt he finds it beautiful. 'Stealth' Wordsworth presents human as trespassing on the peaceful and beauty of nature.