4.2.2 Nuclear Equations

Cards (11)

  • What are nuclear equations used to represent?
    Radioactive decay.
  • What does this symbol represent?
    An alpha particle.
  • What does this symbol represent?
    A beta particle.
  • Alpha decay causes both the mass and charge of the nucleus to..?

  • Emission of the different types of nuclear radiation may cause a change in what?
    The mass/charge of the nucleus.
  • Beta decay causes..?
    No change to the mass of the nucleus but causes the charge of the nucleus to increase.
  • The emission of a gamma ray does not cause the mass or the charge of a nucleus to change.
  • The nuclear equation shows thorium (Th) undergoing alpha decay. Fill in the missing atomic mass (A) and atomic number (B):
    A: 228
    B: 88
  • The nuclear equation shows rubidium (Rb) undergoing beta decay. Fill in the missing atomic mass A and atomic number B:

    A: 87
    B: 38
  • The nuclear equation shows protactinium (Pa) undergoing gamma ray decay. Fill in the missing atomic mass A and atomic number B:

    A: 234
    B: 91
  • The nucleus of any element can be represented in the following form:
    This is the nucleus of the element carbon.
    1. The C is the elemental (or chemical) symbol.
    2. The 12 is the 'mass number', which is the number of protons and neutrons combined.
    3. The 6 is the 'atomic number', which is the number of protons. This can also be thought of as the particle's charge.