
Cards (13)

  • statistical infrequency
    any behavior that is infrequent in the population and falls outside of statistical norms
    (an IQ >145 = 1/1000 people)
  • deviation from social norms
    goes against expected and approved ways in society
    -often rule based
    -vary from 1 situation to another = a relative concept
  • failure to function adequately
    interferes with a person's ability to cope with everyday demands
    -could cause the individual or others distress or danger
  • deviation from ideal mental health
    identifies positive features of ideal mental health and an absence of these is considered abnormality
  • Jahoda's criteria

    -accurate perception of reality
    -potential for growth and development
    -ability to be independent and cope with stress
    -environmental mastery (can identify and correctly function in different environments)
  • statistical infrequency AO3
    definition is neutral - avoids negatively stigmatising people who are abnormal (they're just different based on numbers)
    :( need to distinguish between what's good or bad - very high IQ is desirable but still classed as abnormal
  • statistical infrequency AO3
    unclear cut-off point - no agreement about how rare a behaviour needs to be before it's considered abnormal = reduces usefulness
  • deviation from social norms AO3
    -allows behavior that is disruptive or harmful to society to be considered abnormal/undesirable = wider benefit to society
    :( equates normality with conformity
  • deviation from social norms AO3
    -morally wrong social norms should be challenged (e.g. suffragettes)
    -culturally relative = could create discriminatory treatment of different cultural groups
  • failure to function adequately AO3
    -acknowledges the subjective experience of the individual (if they're distressed by their own behaviour or not)
    -allows harmless eccentricity to be considered normal therefore judgements are less likely to be imposed on the individual
    :( difficult to use in practice because judgements must be made in context with an individuals situation
  • failure to function adequately AO3
    :( some abnormal people have high levels of functioning
    their underlying problem is harmful but hard to spot using this definition (some serial killers)
  • deviation from ideal mental health AO3
    -focuses on the positives
    -covers a wide criteria = high validity
    :( subjective, open to bias
    :( not clear how much you must deviate from to be abnormal
  • deviation from ideal mental health AO3
    -culturally relative = stems from western cultural ideas and cannot be applied universally