Multi-Store Model AO3

Cards (12)

  • What effects did Clive Wearing’s brain damage have?

    Inhibited his ability to transfer information from the STM to the LTM. However, he could retrieve old memories but not form new ones.
  • Outline and evaluate the multi-store model of memory (16 marks)
    AO1 - Atkinson and Shiffrin (1968) and diagram
    AO1 - MSM Table
    AO3 (+): Clive Wearing, inhibition
    AO3 (+): Glanzer and Cunitz (1966), primary and recency effect
    AO3 (-): Patient KF, verbal not visual
    AO3 (-): Nature of material
  • How does Clive Wearing’s brain damage support the claim that the STM and LTM are two distinct stores?
    If they were one store, both STM and LTM would have been damaged
  • How is Clive Wearing’s case study advantageous to the MSM?
    Claim that memory is comprised of different stores has been substantiated in real-life context; provides model with reliability and high levels of credibility
  • What do Glanzer and Cunitz (1966) find of the list of words given to participants to recall?

    Participants tended to remember the first and last 5 words due to the primary and recency effect
  • Why is it advantageous that the role of rehearsal is supported by Glanzer and Cunitz (1966)?

    Empirical evidence grants greater scientific credibility, especially in highly controlled settings
  • Why is advantageous that elaborative rehearsal accounts for transfer of information from the STM to the LTM?
    Provides the MSM with high levels of plausibility
  • How is the MSM seen as overly simplistic?

    Claims that the STM is just one store, limiting the explanatory power of the model
  • How does Patient KF suggest that the STM is not just one store?
    Brain damage only impacted verbal information in the STM but not visual information
  • How does Patient KF‘s case study reduce the plausibility of the MSM?
    MSM cannot be used to explain the process of memory
  • How does the MSM place too much emphasis on the amount of information that needs to be stored and not on its nature?
    It is possible that some material is easier to remember because it is more interesting
  • Why is it a weakness that the MSM underemphasises the nature of the types of information?

    Reduces explanatory power; limits use outside academic quarters