characteristics of disorders

Cards (9)

  • phobias - emotional
    -fear, anxiety and panic
    due to encountering or imagining the phobic stimulus
    -level of fear is irrational (out of proportion)
  • phobias - cognitive
    -aware that the fear is irrational but cant change it
    -irrational beliefs about the phobic stimulus that maintain it
    -narrow focus of attention
  • phobias - behavioural
    -avoidance = can interfere with everyday functioning
    -panic leading to screaming, crying, freezing, running etc)
  • depression - emotional
    -loss of ability to experience pleasure
    -low mood, intense sadness, hopelessness, worthlessness
    -anxiety and anger may also be present
  • depression - cognitive
    -negative thoughts + beliefs around all aspects of life
    -bias to seeing things in the worst possible light
    -poor concentration, suicidal thoughts
  • depression - behavioural
    -loss of energy and motivation = withdrawal
    -more agitated state
    -changes in sleeping (insomnia/hypersomnia)
    -changes in eating
  • OCD - emotional
    -anxiety and distress
    -shame caused by awareness of the irrational beliefs and behaviours but inability to stop them
  • OCD - cognitive
    -obsessions = persistent + reoccurring thoughts - intrusive
    -catastrophic thinking
  • OCD - behavioural
    -compulsions = ritualistic + repetitive behaviours
    (driven by the urge to reduce the anxiety)