explaining phobias

Cards (11)

  • behaviourists suggest that phobias are learned
  • Mowrer developed the two-process model in 1960
  • classical conditioning = initiation
    =learning through association
    -phobias are caused when a NS is associated with a frightening UCS
  • classical conditioning example
    NS (spider) > no response
    UCS (parents shouting) > UCR (fear)

    NS (spider) + UCS (parents shouting) > UCR (fear)

    CS (spider) > CR (fear) and avoidance
  • operant conditioning = maintenance
    =avoidance of the phobic stimulus is negatively reinforced
    (avoiding spiders prevents the unpleasant consequence)
    -this strengthens and maintains because its successful at reducing fear/anxiety
  • responses usually fade but phobias persist
  • supporting evidence = little albert (watson and rayner 1920)

    -18 month boy clasically conditioned to have a fear of rats
    everytime he reached for the white rat they would hit a metal bar behind his head, then even a week later he cried when presented with the rat
  • evaluating little albert
    -ethical issues = psychological harm, consent
    -population validity = done on a baby, can't be generalised
  • evaluating little albert
    -dinardo 1988 = not everyone develops a phobia after a frightening experience
    60% of dog phobics recalled a frightening experience with dogs but 60% of non-phobics also recalled a frightening experience
  • two process model AO3 - other factors
    -cognitive factors = irrational beliefs > phobia w/o an experience
    -biological factors = phobias can run in the family - genetic vulnerability
  • two process model AO3 - irl application
    • systematic desensitization - use classical conditioning to treat the phobia
    • flooding - left in an unescapable situation with phobic stimulus