treating phobias

Cards (12)

  • treatments:
    • systematic desensitization
    • flooding
  • systematic desensitization is based on classical conditioning
  • systematic desensitization
    =aims to extinguish a fear response by replacing it with a more desirable response (relaxation)
    • by exposing the patient to their phobic stimulus in relaxed conditions
  • systematic desensitization - technique
    1. construct a hierarchy of fear (least to most)
    2. train with relaxation techniques
    3. expose to the phobic stimulus at each stage and relax
    4. gradually expose to the whole hierarchy
    5. patient can eventually remain relaxed when confronted
  • systematic desensitization AO3 - effectiveness
    -McGrath = 75% respond to SD :( not 100%
    -Capafons 1998 = aerophobics who'd undergone SD reported lower levels of fear than a control group and lower physiological signs of fear during a flight simulation
  • systematic desensitization AO3 - individual differences
    -doesnt work for all types of phobia such as social phobia
    -motivation and whats going on in the patient's life
  • systematic desensitization AO3 - suitability
    -suitable for a wide range = requires less cognitive effort (kids + learning disabilities)
    -no ethical issues = client has control and only goes as far up the hierarchy as they're comfortable with
  • flooding
    =worst possible stimulus is identified and the patient is taught relaxation techniques before being exposed to the stimulus in an inescapable situation for a prolonged period of time
  • flooding effects
    =fear eventually begins to subside because of relaxation techniques and adrenaline naturally decreasing (over 2 to 3 hours)
    =the fear response is replaced with a calm one and the fear is extinguished
  • flooding AO3 - effectiveness
    -Wolpe (1960) treated claustrophobia by driving for 4 hours with patient locked in his car boot
    > hysterical panic receded to being calm
    =highly effective and very fast
    :( no data on long-term effectiveness
    :( ethical issues = no right to withdraw, possible physical harm
  • flooding AO3 - individual differences
    • motivation
    • type of phobia
    • dropout rates are high - reduces appropriateness
  • flooding AO3 - side effects
    -possible that long term, negative side effects could occur
    :) Shipley's study = only 0.2% get side effects