Causes HTN due to increased SNS stimulation, NIDDM due to cortisol increasing BGL, frequent infection due to cortisol down regulating immune system and slow healing, OP and increased fractures
Causes osteoporosis and increased fractures because cortisol increases bone resorption and decreases bone formation and also decrease intestinal calcium uptake and increases urinary calcium excretion
Primary cause of adrenal insufficiency which leads to low levels of cortisol and androgens and usually occurs due to autoimmune destruction of the adrenal cortex
Massive life threatening inability to compensate for stressors due to adrenal insufficiency that can be triggered by stressors like infection, trauma, and surgery in people with underlying adrenal insufficiency
Has effects of bradycardia, decreased CO, and orthostatic hypotension on the CVS because of chronically low levels of cortisol and aldosterone which can lead to decreased CO and K retention and Na excretion leading to hypotension