rp 4: temperature changes

Cards (2)

  • p1
    1. use a measuring cylinder to measure 30 cm3 of dilute hydrochloric acid
    2. transfer acid into a polystyrine cup & stand the cup in a beaker
    3. measure temperature of the acid w a thermometer & record in a  table
    4. use a measuring cylinder to measure 5 cm3 sodium hydroxide solution & transfer to polystyrine cup
    5. add a plastic lid to cup & place a thermometer through it
  • p2
    1. gently stir solution w thermometer
    2. when reading on thermometer stops changing record the highest temperature reached
    3. rinse & dry cup
    4. repeat whole experiment several times, increasing the volume of sodium hydroxide solution by 5 cm3 until 40 cm3
    5. do whole experiment again, calc mean & plot graph