-Goal is to remove patients and personnel out of immediate danger from the fire
Code pink
-during this code all halls, exits, and entrances should be secured and all individuals inspected.
-stop and ask questions.
Universal codes
Grey, Red, Pink, Purple, Orange
may vary from facilities and hospitals
Random code pinks
Will be called in a hospital to practice prevention of infantabduction
Code purple
Code for child abduction
Code orange
Code for hazardous material spills
Code green
Code used for when a patient with cardiacarrest is coming in to emergency. This is to get them prepared to receive the patient
Code triage
Code for internal and external disasters.
-prepare for a large amount of patients
Internal disasters
Disasters that effect the operation and usual environment of a hospital such as earthquake or flood
External disasters
Disasters which may cause a large number of patients to require care
-airplane crashes
-large volume of patients
Code yellow
Code for bomb threats
Code white
Code for pediatric medical emergencies
-(similar to code blue, but for pediatrics)
Code silver
Code used for a person with a weapon or a hostage situation
Crash cart
A cart that has emergency medicines and supplies to care for a person who has gone into
-cardiac arrest
-respiratory arrest
What's on top of the crash cart?
-Multifunction pads (Stat pads)
-Cardiac monitor/defibrillator
-Sharp containers
-Ambu bag with mask
-Inventory checklist/code blue sheets
What color are the crash carts for pediatrics and regular departments?
Usually red but blue in pediatrics
What you should do to activate the emergency response system for code blue
Call code with emergency number, get crash cart, and know how to use oxygen and equipment
First goal during silver code
Protect yourself and patient, this may be through running or securing
Where are crash carts found?
Rooms in which contrast medium studies are performed
Substance that is used in many contrast studies in radiography. However, many people are allergic to iodine. This is why crash carts are usually located in rooms where procedures with this substance are done
Lot number
Number that is found on the locks of a crash cart
Pharmacy or respiratory therapy
Departments of a hospital that are generally responsible for restocking and inventorying crash carts
Who restocked or check it, when it was restocked or checked, and the lot number of the locks
Information that is written down on the inventory checklist of a crash cart
Drawer 1
Drawer of a crash cart wheremedicationsare found-alcohol pads, vasoconstrictors (vasopressin) or vaso depressants, epinephrine, dopamine, and lidocaine, atropine, sodium bicarbonate - (LEADSV)
The amount of voltage it can put out
Thing that is checked on a defibrillator when checking or restocking a crash cart
-200 joules for normal output of defibrilator
Liquid adrenaline that is the most commonly used medication for cardiac arrest. It increases contractility of the heart , increases blood pressure and increases the heart's sensitivity to electrical conduction
maintains water, constricts blood vessels
Sodium Bicarbonate
Maintains pH balance
Indicated for cardiac arrest patients suffering
V-Tach, PVCs
vasodilator, increases contractility and blood flow
Drawer 2
Drawer of a crash cart where materials used to create an open air way are stored.
-endotracheal tubes
- pressure cuffs
- nasopharyngeal air ways (NPA)
-oropharyngeal airways (OPA)
-Magil forceps
Drawer 3
Drawer of a crash cart where materials used to create anopen airway(Peds)and contain accessory equipment for IV lines.- blood pressure cuff - suction catheter kit - Container with endotracheal tubesContainer with: IV arm boards, butterflies, PIVs, securement system and protective dressing and spinal needle
Drawer 4
MiscellaneousDrawer of a crash cart that contains feeding tubes and additional medications for ped's-Umbilical vessel catheter
Drawer 5
Drawer withIV and Blood Draw supplies:
-Lab specimen tubes
-IV catheters
-3-way stopcock
Drawer 6
Drawer withIV solutions, tubing, and PICC Line that contains different types of IV s and IV solutions, various size syringes, Betadine solutions, Swabs tape-Central venous catheter insertion kit
Drawer 7
Drawer withprocedural trays and miscellaneous items to cut the patients chest open to perform an internal heart massage