Elizabeth's accession

Cards (13)

  • What was the court made up of?

    Noblemen who acted as the monarchs advisers and friends
  • What did the court help Elizabeth do?
    Display her wealth and power
  • Who were justices of the peace?

    Large landowners appointed by the government
  • What did justices of the peace do?

    Kept law and order locally and hear court cases
  • Who were lord lieutenants?
    noblemen appointed by the government
  • What did lord lieutenants do?

    Governed counties and raised local militia
  • What are militia?

    Force of civilians raided in an emergency
  • Who were the privy council?

    19 Members of the nobility who helped govern the country
  • What did the privy council do?

    Monitor parliament and justices of the peace, oversaw law and order and security of the country
  • What did parliament do?

    pass laws and approve taxes
  • What houses were parliament made up of?

    House of commons and house of lords
  • What was the House of Lords made up of?

    Noblemen and bishops
  • What was the house of commons made up of?

    People voted into power, although few people could vote