Basic Knowledge Needed for Studying Inheritance

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  • Alleles
    • different forms of the same gene that lead to different traits
    • occupy the same relative position on a pair of homologous chromosomes
    • every gene, 2 alleles (one from mother one from father)
    • When the 2 alleles are the same, it is a pure-bred
    When there are two different alleles:
    • the expressed allele is called the dominant allele.
    • the unexpressed allele is called the recessive allele.
  • Homologous Chromosomes

    • Same length same genes
    • Female : 23 pairs of homologous genes
    • Male : 22 pairs of homologous genes (One XY chromosome)
  • Genotype and Phenotype
    • The combination of alleles for a particular gene is called genotype
    • The expressed trait or outward appearance is called phenotype
  • Homozygous and Heterozygous
    • Homozygous refers to having two identical alleles of a particular gene (e.g. DD or dd)
    • Heterozygous refers to having two different alleles of a particular gene (e.g. Dd).
  • Genetic Diagram
    1. Parent phenotype
    2. Parent genotype
    3. Gametes
    4. F1 genotype
    5. F1 phenotype
    6. Ratio of phenotypes
  • Punnet Square
  • Test Cross
  • Codominance
    • both alleles express themselves in the heterozygote, which has a phenotype intermediate between that of its pure-bred parents. The alleles are said to be codominant.