Field of knowledge that helps individuals exercise moral judgment and determine what is right and wrong
The study of ethical issues pertaining to biology and medicine
Bioethical issue
An ethical dilemma pertaining to biology that typically involves a decision–making process between two or more choices or options for an action
When ethics needs to be considered
Before starting an experiment or research project involving human and non-human participants
Before trialing a new medicine or treatment
Before using a new gene technology (e.g. genetic testing / genetic modification or engineering / gene therapy)
When approaching the treatment of patients (e.g. when there are not enough hospital beds or treatment for all patients)
When developing laws or codes of conduct
When considering what to do about information on individuals
Ethical concepts
Unique perspectives or lenses for considering different angles of an ethical dilemma
Bioethical concepts
Encourages a full commitment to knowledge, acting honestly and truthfully, and prioritising an accurate understanding and representation of facts
Trialing a new cancer treatment on humans
How can integrity inform bioethical considerations?
Commitment to fairness, encourages consideration of different people's opinions and positions, and prioritises the fair distribution of resources and equal access to benefits
Trialing a new cancer treatment on humans
How can justice inform bioethical considerations?
Commitment to maximising benefits, encourages individuals to act in a way that benefits others and promotes personal wellbeing and good of other persons
Trialing a new cancer treatment on humans
How can beneficence inform bioethical considerations?
Commitment to minimising harm, encourages individuals to act in ways that remove as much harm as possible
Trialing a new cancer treatment on humans
How can non-maleficence inform bioethical considerations?
Commitment to consideration, encourages individuals to consider the value of others, including their personal welfare, beliefs, freedom, and autonomy