A high labour turnover rate suggests that the business has labour problems and employees for varying reasons do not stay in the company for a long period of time
High-context cultures leave much of the message unspecified, to be understood through context, non-verbal cues, and between-the-lines interpretation of what is actually said
Low-context cultures expect messages to be explicit and specific
In sequential cultures, business people give full attention to one agenda item after another
In synchronic cultures, the flow of time is viewed as a sort of circle, with the past, present and future all interrelated. This viewpoint influences how organisations in those cultures approach deadlines, strategic thinking, investments and the concept of 'long-term' planning.
Impact of technological innovation on communication
Internet technologies have reduced the cost of domestic and international communications
Email - being able to transmit data to many different recipients and people can access these through smartphones and tablets
Mobile Devices - can be used by managers and employees who are on the go or travelling
Video-conferencing - Expensive, but allows meetings to take place when staff are in different locations, reducing costs and travelling time. Useful in recruiting overseas employees
Cloud networking - allows businesses to operate globally without sacrificing security or limiting user access. Useful for collaboration between workers on reports, programming and other document production.