Marketing is the function of the business that is responsible for understanding customer needs and developing the right products, setting the right price, and promoting and distributing products in the right way
Marketing is the process of planning and undertaking the conception, pricing, promotion, and distribution of goods and services to create and maintain relationships that will satisfy individuals' and organizations' objectives
Marketing provides the link between the customer and the production function of the business. Marketing ensures that what is being provided is actually wanted and needed, communicates, and makes the product available for customers
The purpose of marketing is to ensure that the organization meets the customers' needs in the present and in the future. Marketing is therefore a dynamic process
To be effective, marketing must work with other functions of the business to influence what is produced, how many are produced, the range of products offered, and the price at which products are sold
Bases its decisions on customers' needs, monitors its environment to find out what customers want, what competitors are offering, and what changes are occurring in the market
The business focuses more on what it can produce and hopes that this will fit with customer requirements. This is a very risky approach because the firm may produce something the customers do not want
There is a positive correlation between market share and profits, though the company with the largest market share is not necessarily the most profitable
The marketing plan is likely to be based on market research. This research will inform the marketing decisions to ensure they are logical and supported by the data
It is a systemic process that involves undertaking a marketing audit, setting marketing objectives, devising marketing strategies, and setting out how these would be implemented