
Cards (18)

  • photosynthesis: carbon dioxide + water -> glucose + oxygen
  • photosynthesis:
  • photosynthesis takes place in chloroplasts- they contain pigments like chlorophyll that absorb light
  • photosynthesis is endothermic because it requires energy from the environment
  • what are the 5 main ways plants use glucose
    1. respiration
    2. making cellulose
    3. making amino acids
    4. stored as oil and fats
    5. stored as starch
  • the rate of photosynthesis is affected by light, temperature and concentration of co2
  • chlorophyll can also be a limiting factor for photosynthesis
  • the enzymes needed for photosynthesis work more slowly at low temperatures, but if the plant gets to hot the enzymes can become denatured
  • respiration is the process of transferring energy from glucose, which goes on in every cell
  • aerobic respiration needs lots of oxygen
  • most of the reactions for aerobic respiration happen in mitochondria
  • aerobic respiration: glucose + oxygen -> carbon dioxide + water
  • anaerobic respiration is used if there isn't enough oxygen
  • anaerobic respiration: glucose -> lactic acid
  • anaerobic respiration doesnt transfer as much energy as aerobic respiration
  • anaerobic respiration in plants and yeast cells: glucose -> ethanol + carbon
  • anerobic resperation in yeast cells is called fermentation
  • after anaerobic respiration you'll have an oxygen debt this means you will keep breathing heavily for a while