
Cards (43)

  • ~에게 나쁘다

    be bad for~
  • Watching too much TV is bad for children
  • 스트레스를 풀다
    relieve stress
  • My favorite way is running to relieve stress
  • 무엇보다도
    above all
  • 즐기다
    enjoy Ving
  • Above all, I enjoy spending time with my friends
  • 연습을 통해서
    through practice
  • ~하는 것에 능숙해지다

    become skilled at ~ing
  • Through practice, I have become skilled at playing chess
  • 낮에
    during the day
  • Most people prefer working during the day
  • ~할 수 있다
    be able to V
  • The best part of having free time is being able to rest
  • A를 ~한 상태로 두다
    keep A 형
  • Older people should learn to keep their minds open
  • Leaders find ways to motivate people
  • ~로 부터 떨어져 잠깐 쉬다
    take a break from
  • People watch movies to take a break from reality
  • 점수가 낮은 학생들
    students with low grades
  • 학업성적
    academic performance
  • This helps students with low grades improve their academic performance
  • A가 ~하도록 하다
    allow A to V
  • 외국에서 공부하다

    study abroad
  • The long summer vacation allows students to study abroad
  • ~할 필요가 있다
    need to V
  • To be truly successful in life, you need to have common sense
  • Some tasks are too hard to handle alone
  • ~할 것 같다

    would V
  • 변화하는 날씨를 지닌
    with changing weather
  • It would be nice to live in an area with changing weather
  • ~하고 싶다

    would like to V
  • 빠른 속도로
    at a fast pace
  • I would like to live life at a very fast pace
  • 3/31 숙제: 영작숙제 복습하기 :) (한글을 보고 영어를 떠오를 수 있게, 한글연습)
  • to V (to 부정사) / Ving (동명사) 배웠음
  • 잠자는 아기 a sleeping baby
  • When I was still a new student I remember  I was so excited that I made my first friend. All I wanted was to hang out with my friends on the courtyard, but I realized I couldn’t do that with just a 15-minute break. 
  • So how long should our breaks be then?
  • Physical activities
    • Football
    • Basketball
    • Baseball