progress in the Mid-nineteenth century

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  • Barriers to progress:
    • By 1848 there were many different bellies of disease, but most believed in:
    1. the miasma theory
    2. The theory of the four humors (blood, phlegm , Yellow bile, black bile )
  • Reasons why correct causes of disease had not been discovered:
    • Lack of funding for research
    Doctors were paid by patients for diagnosis and treatment. Hospitals were mostly Charity funded so there was very little money for research
    • limited technology prevented discovery
    It was not until 1850 that microscopes were developed that were capable of seeing extremely tiny organisms
    • Beliefs and attitudes
    people were Slow to accept new ideas and many believed the theories of the time were correct, and there was no need for a new one
    • Lack of understanding of the body
    Dissection was uncommon