maintaning water & nitrogen balance in the body

Cards (14)

  • what is osmosis?
    movement of water from a dilute solution to a concentrated solution through a partially permeable membrane
  • how is water lost from the body?
    • exhalation via lungs
    • sweating
    • urine
  • how are ions lost from the body?
    • sweating
    • urine
  • what happens if body cells loose or gain too much water from osmosis?
    they won't function efficiently
  • how are excess amino acids excreted from the body?
    • deanimated in the liver to form ammonia
    • ammonia is toxic, therefore it is converted to urea
    • urea is excreted from the body via sweat & urine
  • how do kidneys produce urine?
    • filter blood in order to remove waste substances e.g. urea
    • reabsorb useful molecules e.g. glucose, water, ions
  • where is ADH secreted in the body?
    pituitary gland in the brain
  • how does ADH affect the reabsorption of water in the kidneys?
    • when blood is too concentrated, pituitary gland secretes more ADH
    • ADH travels in the bloodstream to the kidney & increases the permeability of kidney tubules to water
    • more water is reabsorbed in the kidney, resulting in a smaller volume of more concentrated urine
  • how can kidney failure be treated?
    • dialysis
    • transplant
  • how does kidney dialysis work?
    • a specialist machine carries out the function of the kidneys
    • persons blood flows through partially permeable membranes, surrounded by dialysis fluid
    • membranes are permeable to ions & waste substances but not big molecules like proteins
    • dialysis contains the same concentration of glucose & ions as healthy blood
    • only excess & waste molecules are removed from the blood, glucose & ions remain
  • advantages of kidney dialysis
    patient lives longer until a donor organ is found
  • disadvantages of kidney dialysis
    • patient has to visit hospital frequently, long sessions
    • can cause blood clots & infections
    • expensive
  • advantages of kidney transplant
    • doesn't require repeated visits to the hospital - flexible lifestyle
    • cheaper in the long run
    • doesnt need a controlled diet
  • disadvantages of kidney transplant
    • shortage of donors - have to wait long
    • risk of infection from surgery
    • have to take immunosuppressant drugs for life