Paper Chromatography

Cards (10)

  • Mobile Phase: What moves
  • Stationary Phase: what doesn't move
  • Water is the mobile phase as it moves up the paper.
  • If a dye goes higher up; it is more attracted to the mobile phase. And is more soluble.
  • In Chromatography to increase the distance of a dye: You can use a different solvent or you can wait for the solvent to travel further.
  • Chromatography seperates dyes in a mixture.
  • In chromatography the paper is the stationary phase.
  • Some dyes are missing or some substances cant be seen because they are colourless.
  • Rf = distance travelled by substance/distance travelled by solvent
  • If a dye is too low, it is more attracted to the stationary phase. And is less soluble.