Choose the material, e.g a copper or aluminium block + measure mass in kg (if water measure mass of beaker 1st than subtract this from overall mass)
Step 2
Wrap insulation around your block or beaker
Step 3
Smear petroleum jelly around the bulb end of the thermometer (don't do this is measure water) then put put thermometer in small hole in block (or water)
Step 4
Measure starting temperature using thermometer
Step 5
Put a heater in the larger hole in the block. Connect the ammeter, power pack, and heater in series.
Step 6
connect voltmeter across the power pact
step 7
Turn the power pack to 12V + switch it on. Start stopwatch as you turn on the power pack.
Step 8
Record the ammeter and voltmeter readings every 60 seconds. Record the temperature of the metal block/ water every 60s, if water stir regularly
Step 9
After 10 minutes, turn off the power pack
Step 10
Keep the thermometer in the metal block (or water) for a while. Record the maximum temperature
Step 11
Calculate the power of the heater + record in table (using the equation power (W) = potential difference (V) x current (A). Then calculate the energy transferred up to each time point ( using the equation Energy transferred (J) = power (W) x time (s)
Step 12 (final step)
Plot results on graph with temperature change (C) on y-ax and energy transferred (J) on x-axis