Cards (14)

  • Curriculum
    Is an intellectual development process conceived to promote mastery of the subject matter with the primary purpose of building a storehouse of information, skills, and values
  • curriculum
    Refers to a planned set of learning experiences that the educational institution intends to provide its learners
  • Conservative view, progressive view, radical view

    Three educational philosophies:
  • philosophy of nursing education, educational psychology, society, student, life activities, knowledge
    Factors which influence curriculum development:
  • Onlooker
    Is the individual who needs background Knowledge to understand the principles from a particular field of study or inquiry
  • Participant
    Is a scholar of a particular discipline who needs more mastery of the field where the curriculum is developed
  • Foundational, professional
    Types of curriculum preparation:
  • Unitary Teaching
    Is a method of teaching planned to facilitate and to attain a common framework or unitary learning specific to what should be learned and expected or desired output
  • Subject matter units, process units

    Types of unit plans
  • Subject matter units
    A type of units plan which the primary emphasis is the assimilation of knowledge regarding the subject matter discussed and the secondary emphasis on the learner
  • Process units
    A type of units plan which the primary emphasis is on the learner’s ability to grasp the subject matter and its secondary consideration relates to materials to be used for learning
  • Daily plan
    Helps organize each class session and relates this to the development of the total work unit
  • Course objectives, related to previous works, selection and organization of the subject matter
    Elements of good daily planning:
  • Nursing care plans
    An indispensable aspect of nursing assignments done in most clinical courses