for understanding the views and beliefs of others,creating equality and courtesy which are needed for social courtesy
Why is tolerance important ?
for the ability to accept and live alongside others who hold beleif or opinions you may not agree with,creates inclusive soceity
What is social/community cohesion?
its the 'glue' that sticks society together,working together
What are the British values?
Democracy, rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect, tolerance.
What are characteristics of the Equality Act 2010 ?
Age,sexual orientation,disability,religion/beliefs,race,marriage etc.
Why is an unequal society bad?
it can result in genderpaygaps (both genders being payed differently for the same job),ageism (being treated differently cause of age),religiousdiscrimination
How is Equality protected?
by police upholding the law, by civil law protecting the rights ,allowing victims of discrimination to bring their cases to court
What are the three main elements in a democratic society?
Diversity : being part of a range of different people/cultures
Integration : where different parts of community are brought together and celebrate the diversity of each group
Community cohesion : creating communities that are integrated with each other
What does high level community cohesion show ?
community projects , tolerance of different beliefs and lifestyles, mutual respect,celebration of diversity
What does low levels of community cohesion show ?
Higher levels of crime,racism ,gang culture ,no-go areas ,increase in extremist groups
How do schools promote mutual understanding in society?
through citizenship lessons,celebrating different religious events,culture days,projects that challenge discrimination,black history month,pride month
What is 'multiple identities'' ?
where you have a number of factors making up your identity e.g. being British born but with Indian heritage
What is the universal Declaration of Human Rights ?
a response to the horrors of the world wars e.g. the holocaust.There is 30 human rights.Since they are a declaration not all countries uphold them as they are not law binding like the USA
What did Britain do with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights ?
Britain put these rights into laws in 1998 through the Human Rights Act meaning all human rights must be upheld by law