Cards (7)

  • Genetic engineering is when scientists modify organisms genome to produce desired characteristics. (e.g. making apple trees grow larger apples)
  • Stages
    1. Genes cut our using restriction enzymes
    2. The restriction enzymes also used to cut vector(virus or bacterial plasmid)where the genes will be placed
    3. Lipase enzymes is used to attach sticky ends of gene and the vector together to produce recombinant gene product
    4. Vector is placed in another organism at early stage of development
    5. This is so desired gene moves into its cell and causes organins to grow with desired characteristics.
  • In plants vector is put into meristematic cells(unspecialised cell) which can produce identical copies of modified plant
  • Advantages of GM crops are that they have increased yield, resistance to pests/diseases and herbicide tolerance
  • Risks of enetic engineering
    • Can cause diseases or allergic reaction
    • Reduces biodiversity
    • Genes can spread to wild plants and give rise to weeds
  • Genetic modification has helped to increase what?

    Good population
  • GMO have improved traits:
    • Drought resistance
    • Increased yield
    • Virus resistance
    • Production of specific proteins (insulin)
    • Flood resistance