Sequence - where a passage of music is repeated at higher or lower pitch.
Imitation - the repetition of a melody in a polyphonic texture shortly after its first appearance in a different voice.
Difference between imitation and sequence:
If the motive is repeated at a different pitch but is still in the same clef (or voice or instrument) it is a sequence.
To be an imitation requires there to be at least 2 different instruments, voices or clefsigns.
Leitmotif - a recurrent theme throughout a musical or literary composition, associated with a particular person, idea or situation. (Basically someone's theme - e.g. Imperial March for Darth Vader)
Motif - a short musical idea, longer than a single note but shorter than a phrase to help build up a composition.
Semitone - the distance from a white key to a neighbouringblack key on the keyboard.
Chromatic movement - a note that doesn't belong in the musical key. A chromatic scale moves up in semitones.
Pentatonic - consisting of 5 tones, being related to a scale.
Ornamentation - changing up the melody, either by adding notes or by modifying rhythms.
Melody - a combination of pitch and rhythm, a rhythmical set of tones.