Maths Statistics

Subdecks (1)

Cards (82)

  • The explanatory variable is the independent variable
  • The response variable is the dependent variable
  • Predictions cannot be made on the dependent variable on a line of regression, only the independent
  • A test statistic is the result of tesing against a hypothesis
  • Leeming is in central England
  • Heathrow is in southern England
  • For a continuity correction, convert less than or more than to less/more than or equal to and extend the range by 0.5
  • Correlation is the type and strength of a relationship between two variables
  • Bivarate data involves two variables
  • A histograms area is calculated as k x frequency
  • A histograms frequency density is calculated as (k x frequency) / class width
  • For cumulative frequency graphs, each point at either end of a class width must be plotted
  • Box plots show the smallest, largest, lower and upper quartile, interquartile range and median
  • To compare box plots, compare spread (range) and the average (median) then interpret using given context
  • For discrete random variable tables, probabilities must add up to 1
  • For discrete uniform variable tables, all probabilities are equal and add to 1
  • Interpolation of data is reliable, extrapolation of data is unreliable
  • The product moment correlation coefficient shows the linear correlation between two variables
  • The product moment correlation coefficient is a value between 1 and -1, the closer to 0, the less correlated the values are
  • A normal distribution must be continuous and symmetrical around the mean
  • For a normal distribution, 1 standard deviation covers 70% of the data, 2 covers 95% and 3 covers 100% of the data
  • For normal distribution: X~N(u, o^2) u= mean o= standard deviation
  • Humidity is measured in percentage
  • Pressure is measured in hectopascals
  • Windspeed is measured in knots
  • The beaufort scale measures windspeed 0-5 with 0 being calmest and 5 being strong winds
  • Daily maximum gust is the greatest windspeed over a 24 hour period measured in knots
  • Mean visibility is measured in metres
  • Total rainfall is measured in mm or tr for trace when <0.05 mm
  • n/a in the large data set implies lack of data for that variable
  • Mean daily temperature is measured in degrees celsius
  • Daily sunshine is measured in hours
  • Cloud cover is measured in oktas between 0-8
  • Coding impacts the mean by multiplication and adding/subtracting
  • Standard deviation is affected by coding only by multiplication
  • The median is affected by coding by both multiplication and adding/subtracting
  • The range is unaffected by coding
  • Large data set has data from may-october excluding winter and spring months in 1987 and 2015
  • Opportunity sampling is were people are chosen in the order you see them
  • Opportunity sampling takes little time and is cost effective