
Cards (8)

  • what is emphysema?
    a lung disease caused by smoking or long-term exposure to air pollution- foreign particles in the smoke/air become trapped in the alveoli
  • Describe elastin?
    Elastin is elastic - it helps the alveoli to return to their normal shape after inhaling & exhaling air
  • Emphysema: foreign particles in smoke become trapped in the alveoili- what does this CAUSE?
    Inflammation , which attracts phagocytes to the area. The phagocytes produce an enzyme that breaks down elastin (a protein found in the walls of the alveoli )
  • what does lots of elastin mean?
    the alveoli cannot recoil to expel air as well
    (it remains trapped in the alveoli)
  • What does lots of elastin also lead to?
    Destruction of the alveoli walls = reduces SA of alveoli = decreases rate of gaseous exchange
  • What do symptoms of emphysema include?
    • Shortness of breath and wheezing
  • What do people with emphysema have?
    an increased ventilation rate as they try to increase the amount of air containing oxygen reaching their lungs
  • why do people with emphysema have an increased ventilation rate
    because they try to increase the amount of air containing oxygen reaching their lungs