Rusbalts investment model

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  • What kind of theory is Rusbalts investment model?
    Economic theory
  • Investment model of relationship Rusbalt (1983)?
    • Suggests that the maintenance of a relationship is determined by commitment
    • In this context commitment refers to the likelihood that the relationship will persist
  • What is commitment strengthened and weakened by according to Rusbalts investment model?
    • Satisfaction
    • Investment
    • Presence of alternatives to the relationship
  • What does investment mean in terms of the Rusbalt Investment model
    • Investment is anything that a person puts into a relationship that will be lost if it ends
  • What are the two investment types according to Rusbalts investment model?
    Intrinsic investments:
    • Time, personal information (self disclosure), Put directly in
    Extrinsic investments:
    • Shared thing that may be lost: shared pet, network of friends, children
  • What are characteristics of committed partners according to Rusbalts investment model?
    • Committed partners think about other and potential alternatives in a specific and predictable ways
    • Unrealistically positive about their partner to their face and to others (Positive illusions)
    • Negative about tempting positives and other people's relationships (ridiculing alternatives), much more so than less committed partners
  • What was Rusbalts first study into Rusbalts investment model?
    • College students in hetero relationships completed questionnaire over 7 month period
    • Kept notes about how satisfactory their relationship was, how it compared with others and how much they had invested. They also noted how committed they felt.
    • Found less CL for alternatives when satisfaction and investment was high, leading to high commitment
    • Found more CL when satisfaction and investment were low, low commitment and ended relationships
    • Follow up studies found similar outcomes for both genders, across all cultures + homosexuals
  • What was Le & Agnew's study into Rusbalts investment model?
    • Across 52 studies, including 60 independent samples and 11,582 participants, satisfaction with alternatives to and investment in a relationship each correlate significantly with commitment to that relationship
    • Collectively accounted for nearly 2/3 of variance in commitment
    • Commitment found to be a significant predictor of relationship breakup
  • What was Rusbalts and Marty (1995) study into Rusbalts investment model?
    • Applied investment model to abusive relationships
    • Asked women living in refuges why they had stayed with their abusive partners instead of leaving them as soon as the abuse began
    • As predicted by the model, women had felt the greatest commitment to their relationship when their economic alternatives were poor and their investment was great