Ezekiel's vision of a dry bones takes place in Babylon, he was led out by the spirit into a plain on which may have remained unburied the bones of those who have fallen in battle
Ezekiel saw a vision of new life for Israel. God's promise of restoration would come true if they continue to hope. God would renew His covenant and would change them and make them a great people again
He described their situation in Babylon as a field of dry bones into which God would breathe His Spirit of life
Bones are often associated with the stamina a person needs to stand up to difficulties. these bones have long been lifeless
The Hebrew word ruah means "wind" - "breath" and "spirit"
The vision refers to these bones as the whole house of Israel. The dicouragement of the people (expressed in "Our bones are dried up") is to be met by the powerful word of God who alone knows that they can live.
The aim of the prophecy is to give the captives new spirit to rise from their captivity, places new life in the hands of God.