computational thinking

Cards (18)

  • Algorithm Set of step-by-step instructions to complete a task or solve a problem
  • Decomposition Break down a problem into smaller sub-problems
  • Abstraction Remove unnecessary information from a problem
  • Computational thinking Using methods to solve complex problems
  • 3 basic programming constructs Selection - Sequence - Iteration
  • 3 elements of a successful algorithm Accurate - Efficient - Consistent
  • Logical operators - AND Two conditions must both be true for the whole statement to be true
  • Logical operators - OR Either one of two conditions must be true for the whole statement to be true
  • Logical operators - NOT Reverses the logic of the AND and OR statement
  • Logic error Error that results in incorrect or unexpected behaviour
  • Trace table Used to identify logic errors in an algorithm
  • Sorting - Bubble sort Uses 'brute force' to sort a list Start at the beginning of the list.Compare the first value in the list with the next one up. If the first value is bigger swap the positions of the two values.Move to the second value in the list. ...Keep going until there are no more items to compare.Go back to the start of the list.
  • Sorting - Merge sort Uses 'divide and conquer' to sort a list The list is repeatedly divided into two until all the elements are separated individually. Pairs of elements are then compared placed into order and combined. The process is then repeated until the list is recompiled as a whole.
  • Searching - Linear search Starts at beginning of list and searches until the item is found
  • Searching - Binary search Selects the median item in a list then checks if the item being looked for is higher or lower
  • Iteration Construct that allows the repetition of a process also called a loop
  • Selection Construct that allows a choice to be made between different options