Ducks phase model of relationship breakdown

Cards (6)

  • What are three reasons for relationship breakdown according to Duck (1992)?
    1. Early parenthood
    2. Poorer education
    3. Lack of social skills
  • What are the four stages of relationship breakdown according to Duck (1992)?
    1. Intra psychic
    2. Dyadic
    3. Social
    4. Grave dressing
  • Describe the Intra psychic stage of Duck's model
    • One of the partners/friends becomes more and more dissatisfied with the relationship
    • They do not tell their partner yet
    • If the dissatisfaction is great enough there is progression to the next phase
  • Describe the Dyadic stage of Duck's model
    • Here the other person becomes involved ; it is now a two-way discussion
    • If the dissatisfaction is not acceptably resolved, there is progression to the next phase
  • Describe the social stage of Duck's model
    • This is where the break-up is ,aired' and made public, and social implications are negotiated (such as care of children)
    • If the relationship is not saved here, it goes to the final stage
  • Describe the Grave Dressing stage of Duck's model
    • Here the ex-partners begin the organisation of their post-relationship lives, publicising their own accounts of the breakup
    • Partners who develop their own versions of where the blame for the breakup actually lies, frequently employ self-serving attributional bias. i.e the failure of the relationship was out of their control