The actual monitoring and evaluation of information from the external and internal environment of a business organization
Modes of Environmental Scanning
Ad hoc environmental scanning
Regular Scanning
Continuous Scanning
Ad hoc environmental scanning
Not often done and is usually applicable only during a crisis situation
Regular Scanning
Usually done at least once a year or at regular intervals
Continuous Scanning
Refers to the continuous collection of data on a broad range of environmental factors
SWOT Analysis
A technique that identifies the Strength and Weaknesses of a company as well as the Opportunities and Threats it faces
SWOT Analysis
Strengths and weaknesses are part of the company's internal environment, while opportunities and threats are part of its external environment
A company's attributes that give a competitive edge over others
market leader
good brand image
providing quality products and services
good reputation in the business
good credit standing
competent and highly skilled staff
excellent distribution channels
outstanding communication and network system
good number of patents
Attributes of a company that need to be improved or changed
lack of access to technology
limited distribution channels
poor location
lack of facilities and equipment
poor transportation system
Factors or events that can give a positive impact to the company if properly addressed
new markets
potential profits
additional sources of raw materials
increased purchasing power of consumers
better location
new users or customers
External factors which may negatively impact the company
increase in the price of resources
entry of new competitors
high inflation rates
Importance of SWOT Analysis
A quick and easy technique in analyzing business situation
More effective if managers use clear and accurate data and analyze the factors in an objective manner
Enables managers to understand their business better, particularly in terms of how the company's internal environment aligns with its external environment
SWOT analysis not very effective when dealing more complicated issues and factors that cannot be clearly assigned to only one category
PEST Analysis
A method used in analyzing the Political, Economic, Social and Technological forces affecting the company
Political Factors
Laws, regulations, and restrictions that may intervene or affect the company's business course
Businesses must comply with rules and regulations imposed by the government, and compliance requires managers to adjust their operations accordingly
Economic Factors
Factors that directly affect the capability of business to generate profits
High inflation rate
Affects the acquisition of raw materials
Increase in the prices of raw materials and basic commodities
Affects business
Increased oil prices
Result in increased cost of transporting goods
Social Factors
Demographic aspects such as age, group affiliation, religion, civil status, and the economic status of consumers
Firms usually shape their products or services based on their target market
Social Factors
Instant noodles target consumers who are always on the go or have limited time to prepare home-cooked meals
Laundry shops cater to people who are unable to do their own laundry or who have no helpers to do their laundry for them
Analyzing social factors can help a company implement changes and improvement in its operations, products, and services
Social Factors
Birth rate
Financial capabilities of potential customers
Frequency of using diapers
Store where they usually buy diapers
Technological Factors
Research and development activities, automation, licensing, patenting, technological shifts, and outsourcing decisions
PEST analysis exclusively focuses on the macroenvironment of the firm
PEST analysis can guide managers to identify the reasons why their business is growing or failing within environment
PEST analysis helps the company identify new directions for growth and expansion
A major limitation with PEST analysis is that it does not consider the internal elements of the company
Benefits of Strategic Planning Using SWOT and PEST Analyses
Help companies in formulating strategies and aligning their vision and mission to the general direction of the business environment where they operate
SWOT analysis focuses on the external environment through the threats and opportunities, while all aspects of PEST analysis consider the external environment the business firm
Information gained from PEST analysis be used in identifying the opportunities and threats in SWOT analysis
Division of work
Divide work into specialized tasks and assign responsibilities to specific individuals
Delegate authority along with responsibility
Make expectations clear and punish violations
Unity of Command
Each employee should be assigned to only one supervisor
Unity of Direction
Employee's efforts should be focused on achieving organizational objectives