
Cards (46)

  • how does 'creation of adam' reflect catholic beliefs? god and adam both look powerful and muscular - imago dei. god is carried through the air by angels - transcendent
  • what does genesis 1 teach about the nature of God? "God is creator - all of creation is special because it has all been created by God. God is omnipotent - ""God saw everything that he had made, and indeed, it was very good."" God is transcendent - ""God said 'let there be light' and there was light"""
  • how do humans share the spirit of god """...then the lord god formed man from the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and the man became a living being"
  • how are humans given the gift of free will genesis 2 shows that god has given humans free will. -god made the garden of eden for adam to life in. -he gives him a choice if he eats from the tree of the knowledge of good & evil.
  • what is stewardship? looking after the earth on god's behalf
  • how is stewardship present in genesis 1? god tells adam and eve to 'subdue' the earth and 'have dominion' over every living thing. humans have been given the power to rule over every other creature.
  • how is stewardship present in genesis 2? "adam is told to ""till it and keep it"" (the garden of eden). this suggests looking after the world with care and love"
  • the dignity of human beings genesis 1 states that god made humans 'in his image.' all humans are therefore equal because they have all been created by god & share in the qualities of god.
  • 4 main sections of the old testament law. history. wisdom. prophecy
  • what is law? (old testament) includes the 10 commandments and tells how the jews became the people of god. it contains laws/ guidelines god wanted the jews to follow.
  • what is history (old testament) shows how god guided the jews and how they often refused to listen. they were included to help later generations avoid making the same mistakes.
  • what is wisdom? (old testament) includes a mixture of prayers, psalms, poems & books of advice to help people understand their faith and live in a way that pleases god.
  • what is prophecy? (old testament) the books of the prophets whose inspired words challenged the people to remain faithful to god and taught them that god is active in the world.
  • what are the 4 main sections of the new testament? the gospels. the acts of the apostles. the epistles. the book of revelation.
  • the gospels (new testament) cover the actions and teachings of jesus
  • the acts of the apostles (new testament) tell of someone of the events in the early church
  • the epistles (new testament) letters that were written by the apostles and discuss how to follow jesus' teachings on everyday life
  • the book of revelation (new testament) written by the apostle john. it includes his own mystical vision which some christians believe describes the end of the world.
  • how is the bible the word of god? god guided the writing of the bible through the holy spirit. it contains the word of god given by the prophets. it tells the actions of teachings of jesus in the gospels. it contains the writings of the apostles in the epistles.
  • interpreting the bible today through the magisterium catholics are guided in their interpretation of the bible by the magisterium. the magisterium is continually guided and inspired by the holy spirit.
  • catholic interpretations of the genesis creation stories they are myths (not meant to be taken literally). they are not scientific explanations of what happened.
  • what are the main messages of the genesis creation stories? god made everything. everything that god made was good. humans are the high point of god's creation.
  • fundamentalist interpretations of the genesis creation stories the bible is a factual record of what happened. the universe was literally created in 6 days. the bible is the word of god so it must be accurate.
  • what is natural law? the idea that humans are born with an understanding of what is right & wrong.
  • what does natural law mean for the catholic church? following natural law is important because it is part of god's will for humans. humans should not need rules to tell them what is right. do good & avoid evil.
  • reasons to care for the environment all of creation is special as it was made by god. god made humans stewards of the earth. jesus taught christians to 'love your neighbour as yourself.' (neighbour includes all the people you share the earth with).
  • the church's teachings on caring for the environment there is a delicate balance within creation. damaging one aspect of the environment may affect other elements too
  • ways that catholics can care for the environment at a local level throw away less waste. recycle more. use public transport/walk or cycle. educate others about the importance of caring for the environment.
  • ways that catholics can care for the environment at a national level put pressure on politicians to support laws that protect the environment. support and buy products from eco-friendly businesses. put pressure on companies to follow environment-friendly policies
  • ways that catholics can care for the environment at a global level put pressure on governments to implement policies agreed at international meetings. boycott/ help expose international companies that threaten the environment
  • how does sustainability link to catholic beliefs? much of the world's energy & many of the products we use come from natural resources. Sustainability involves only using natural resources at a rate at which they can be replaced. this respects the goodness of god's creations.
  • CAFOD's work on sustainability live simply scheme (use fewer natural resources). supporting projects such as solar panels. help farmers adopt sustainable farming methods in sri lanka.
  • Give 3 teachings about the nature of the Word of God in John + Give a quote for each Teaching: The Word of God is eternal Quote: 'In the beginning was the Word' Teaching: The Word of God is God Quote: 'the Word was God' Teaching: The Word of God is also distinct from God Quote: 'the Word was with God
  • What do Christians believe about the nature of Jesus? He is fully divine and fully human
  • What are the two meanings of 'Son of Man'? 1. General Title for a human being 2. Given the power + authority of that position by God
  • What is grace and what does it do? - A free gift of God's love to all people - Gives believers strength to do what God want - Is the love that unites the trinity and gives life to all things
  • What does the Catholic Church define a sacrament as? An outward sign of inner grace
  • What is the sacramental nature of reality? It means that the whole of reality can be seen as a sacrament In other words: - The world and everything in it is a sign of God's love - God's presence and love can be seen throughout the world
  • What are the 7 sacraments? Baptism Reconciliation Eucharist (going to mass) Confirmation (choose to actively join the Church) Matrimony (get married) Holy Orders/Ordination (become a priest, bishop etc) Anointing of the Sick (person who is very sick is anointed)
  • What do the sacraments do to a persons life? Sanctify it (make it holy)