
Cards (8)

  • What is gating in relationships?
    A feature/obstacle that could interfere with the development of a relationship
  • What are some examples of relationship gates?
    • Attractiveness
    • Physical disability
    • Stammer
  • What are some examples of relationship gates?
    • Attractiveness
    • Physical disability
    • Stammer
    • Shyness
    • Age
    • Ethnicity
  • Why is there an Absence of Gating in CMC (virtual relationships)
    • Gates can remain hidden
  • Why is there an Absence of Gating in CMC (virtual relationships)
    • Gates can remain hidden
    • This allows self disclosure and intimacy to develop
    • Then the gates may be revealed but because of the self disclosure it doesn't matter as much now
  • What is Yurchisin et al (2005) study into gating in CMC?
    • Interviewed 11 online daters and found these individuals tended to give accounts of both their real and better selves in dating profiles to attract potential partners
    • Some even admitted they would steal another daters ideas or copy images to be more popular
    • Yurchisin did however find that most online identities were still close to the persons true identity in order t avoid unpleasant surprises in real life encounters
  • Give one limitation of research into a sense of gating in CMC
  • Give one limitation of research into a sense of gating in CMC
    • One of the main issues is that it hasn't considered the difference between males and females
    • Evolutionary Henry would state females would be concerned with making themselves more attractive and youthful whereas males would want to appear more resourceful
    • Gender differences prominent
    • This could make research in this area less valid and oversimplify how gates are used in virtual relationships