Academic reading

Cards (338)

  • Completing reading assignments
    One of the biggest challenges in academia
  • Managing reading efficiently
    Improves comprehension and saves time
  • Shannon's process
    • Goes to store and walks through every aisle, decides on spaghetti, revisits aisles, reads many packages, needs to go back to store for forgotten ingredients
  • Taylor's process
    • Checks recipes, makes a list of ingredients, skims aisles to find ingredients, chooses products that meet his diet
  • Taylor's process was more efficient
  • Purpose for reading
    Helps decide how to read and improves comprehension
  • Factors that affect how well a reader constructs meaning of a text
    • Background knowledge
    • Linguistic competence
    • Motivation for reading
    • Purpose for reading
    • Expectations
    • Reading strategies applied
    • Text structure
  • Stages of Reading
    1. Pre-reading
    2. While reading
    3. Post reading
  • Pre-reading activities
    • Establish your purpose for reading
    • Speculate about the author's purpose for writing
    • Review what you already know and want to learn about the topic
    • Preview the text to get an overview of its structure
    • Predict the contents of the text and pose questions about it
    • Note any discussion questions that have been provided
  • During reading activities
    • Annotate and mark sections of the text
    • Check your predictions and find answers to posed questions
    • Use headings and transition words to identify relationships in the text
    • Create a vocabulary list of unfamiliar words
    • Infer unfamiliar words' meanings
    • Connect the text to what you already know
    • Take breaks
  • After reading activities
    • Summarize the text in your own words
    • Talk to someone about the author's ideas
    • Identify and reread difficult parts of the text
    • Define words on your vocabulary list
    • Evaluate the evidence used to support the claims
    • Identify the main claims/ideas
  • University course readings advance student knowledge and prepare them for class discussions
  • Only 20-30% of students read the assigned materials
  • Students who read independently have greater reading comprehension, verbal fluency and general knowledge than those who do not
  • They become better readers, score higher on achievement tests in all subject areas, and have greater content knowledge than their non-reading peers
  • Academic argument
    Your stance, claim, or take on your topic, based on research and evidence
  • Academic argument

    • Not a fight, battle, or negative confrontation
    • Not emotional nor focused on one person's opinion
  • Three interdependent elements of arguments
    • Claim (thesis statement)
    • Support (evidence)
    • Warrant (underlying assumption)
  • Example 1
    • Claim: The No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB, 2001) has led to an increase in high school student drop-out rates
    • Support: Drop-out rates in the US have climbed by 20% since 2001
    • Warrant: (The claim presupposes that) it's a "bad" thing for students to drop out
  • Example 2
    • Claim: ADHD has grown by epidemic proportions in the last 10 years
    • Support: In 1999, the number of children diagnosed with ADHD was 2.1 million; in 2009, the number was 3.5 million
    • Warrant: (The claim presupposes that) a diagnosis of ADHD is the same thing as the actual existence of ADHD; it also presupposes that ADHD is a disease
  • Three categories of claims
    • Claims of fact
    • Claims of value
    • Claims of policy
  • The majority of people believe advertisers should spend more money on billboards, so billboards are objectively the best form of advertisement.
  • Fallacy
    Deceptive or false arguments that may seem stronger than they actually are due to psychological persuasion, but are proven wrong with reasoning and further examination
  • Most common forms of logical fallacy in academic writing
    • Begging the question (circular reasoning)
    • Hasty generalization
    • Sweeping generalisations
    • Post hoc ergo propter hoc
    • False dilemma
  • Formulating effective arguments is a central requirement in academic writing or scientific communication.
  • Arguments can fall apart due to faulty connection-making.
  • Being attentive to logical fallacies in others' writings will make you a more effective critic and academic writer.
  • Being attentive to fallacies in your own writing will help you build more compelling arguments, whether putting together a research report or simply writing a short discussion post on the applications of a particular theory.
  • Argument
    A claim that is supported by reasons or evidence
  • Argument
    • Different from a statement
    • An author tries to persuade the reader that something is true or correct by presenting supporting reasons or evidence
  • Parts of an Argument
    • Issue - problem or controversy about which people disagree
    • Claim - the position on the issue
    • Support - reasons and evidence that the claim is reasonable and should be accepted
    • Refutation - opposing viewpoints
  • Persuasion
    The author is trying to convince the reader that a claim is true by giving supporting reasons or evidence
  • Claim
    The point of the argument that the author is trying to persuade the reader to accept as true
  • Types of Claims
    • Claim of Fact - statement that can be proven or verified
    • Claim of Value - states that one thing or idea is better or more desirable than another
    • Claim of Policy - suggests what should or ought to be done to solve a problem
  • Analysis
    Breaking down an argument into its parts and examining them individually and in relation to each other
  • Types of Support
    • Reason - a general statement that supports a claim
    • Evidence - facts, statistics, experiences, comparisons, and examples that show why the claim is valid
    • Emotional Appeals - ideas targeted toward needs or values that readers are likely to care about
  • Inductive and Deductive Arguments
    • Inductive - reaches a general conclusion from observed specifics
    • Deductive - begins with a major premise and moves toward a more specific statement or minor premise
  • Strategies for Reading an Argument
    • What does the title suggest? Preview!
    • Who is the author, and what are his or her qualifications?
    • What is the date of publication?
    • What do I already know about the issue?
    • Think Before You Read
    • Read once for an initial impression
    • Read the argument several more times
    • Annotate as you read
    • Highlight key terms
    • Diagram or map to analyze structure
    • Read Actively
  • Strategies for Evaluating Arguments
    • Evaluate Types of Evidence - Is it sufficient to support the claim?
    • Personal Experience - may be biased, so do not accept it
    • Examples - should not be used by themselves
    • Statistics - can be misused, manipulated or misinterpreted
    • Comparisons and Analogies - reliability depends on how closely they correspond to the situation
    • Relevancy and Sufficiency of Evidence - is there enough of the right kind to support the claim?
    • Definition of Terms - should be carefully defined and used consistently
    • Cause-Effect Relationships - evidence that the relationship exists should be present
    • Implied or Stated Value System - are they consistent with your personal value system?
    • Recognizing and Refuting Opposing Viewpoints
    • Unfair Emotional Appeals - Emotionally Charged or Biased Language, False Authority, Association, Appeal to "Common Folk", Ad Hominem, "Join the Crowd" Appeal or Bandwagon
  • Errors in Logical Reasoning, commonly called logical fallacies, invalidate the argument or render argument flawed