Digital communication is all forms of communication that use electronic equipment to pass on information (texts, emails, websites, social media)
Social media is any form of digital communication that enables one person to speak to many people at the same time (blogs, gaming, social networks)
Global Village is the idea that the world is more interconnected and therefore the world seems to have ‘shrunk'
We are more likely to know people from across the world thanks to digital communication – geographical distance is no longer a barrier.
‘Dis-embeddingrelationships’ means relationships no longer must be face- to- face
People can have close relationships or do business with people online.
Castells (positive)
Networkedglobal society has emerged, defined as a web of connections which exist online.
The working class can use this to access networking possibilities to gain social capital and improve their lifechances – E.g. LinkedIn helps people make professional contacts.
This challenges the old boy's network and suggests society has moved away from an industrial age, power is now in networks.
Boyle (positive)
Digital networks help people connect through friends of friends or common interests, which increases their social capital.
Boyle (negative)
Society has experienced mediaconvergence in which the lines between different types of media and how we use it are blurred
May limit our understanding of the world as ideas on one form of media are similar to another.
E.g. watching movies on your phones or sending emails from your TV
Giddens (positive)
Digital media has led to the ‘democratization of society’ in where everyone has access to information and anyone can voice their opinions, giving everyone a level of power
500million Twitter users and 3billion Facebook users in 2023
Miller (positive)
People have never had access to such a wide pool of potential contacts
They can now find people with commoninterests and use digital social networks to find virtualcommunities, reducing feelings of isolation.
E.g. where mums can find support
FrankfurtSchool (Marxists)
Potential for the working-class to benefit from digital communication has been lost - bourgeoisie are in charge.
E.g. China blocks all access to socialmedia and websites that mention free speech.