Up to 337.5mm long, up to 225mm wide and 112.5mm high
Nominal size of brick
225mm x 112mm x 75mm (includes mortar joint)
The size of bricks is extremely important to give a predictable product with a low failure rate in manufacture
One effect of brick standardisation is that extension and maintenance are easy
Mortar joint width
Normal is 10mm, modified slightly depending on brick tolerance
Strength of brickwork
Depends on designed strength, type of mortar and pointing used
Frost resistance of bricks
Grade must be used below damp-proof course (DPC) or ground level and in areas susceptible to frost
Brick colour
Depends on impurities in the clay or pigments added to the mix
Overall colour of a wall
Determined by brick colour, mortar colour, pointing and brick texture
Clay bricks
Constructed of clay and fired in a kiln, commonest external finish for domestic buildings in Britain today
Types of clay bricks
Stocks (self-coloured through the brick)
Commons or flettons (colour and texture applied to the surface)
Thermal expansion of clay bricks
Very similar to concrete and steel
Expansion joints should be provided at 6—8m intervals vertically and horizontally, unless movement has been accommodated using lime mortar or similar
Sand lime bricks
Produced by autoclaving or 'pressure cooking' a mixture of sand and calcium silicate for approximately 24 hours
Thermal expansion of sand lime bricks
Similar to clay, but moisture movement is 5% greater
Sand lime products require movement joints at 4m intervals or less to prevent uncontrolled cracking
Can be made to special shapes and in a wide variety of strengths, textures, colours and types
Precast concrete blocks, larger than bricks, size determined by weight a bricklayer can lift with two hands and need to keep to a multiple of the brick module for bonding
100mm thick block is 22kg, at the lifting limits for manual lifting
Lightweight blocks
Made from foamed slag or pulverised fuel ash (PFA), provide good thermal insulation
Strength of concrete blocks
Varies and must be checked for each type, many insulating blocks provide only minimal support
Thermal and moisture movement of concrete blocks
Vary considerably with the material used and are unlikely to match brick products
Concrete products require a significant amount of water in their manufacture and tend to shrink slightly over time, while clay products are more likely to expand slightly when saturated and have different coefficients of thermal expansion
Many blocks have a scratched finish to provide a key for plaster and joints between the blocks are usually similar to those of brickwork, although it is possible to lay blocks using a 'thin joint' system
Clay blocks
Hollow clay blocks or pots used extensively in the London area in the interwar period for partition work in multi-storey buildings to reduce weight, difficult to repair or modify and presents problems when heavy fixings are required
Used as a component in many elements of a simple building — mainly the foundations, the ground floor slab and sometimes the first floor — and can be used for the complete structure of a house or a low-rise building due to its high thermal mass
Concrete constituents
Fine aggregate (sand)
Coarse aggregate
Coarse aggregate
Natural (such as stone and gravel) and artificial (such as clinker and slag)
There is a growing use of recycled aggregates, particularly in large cities such as London, to avoid the need to quarry fresh material and reduce lorry movements
Most common size of coarse aggregate for reinforced concrete
20mm, larger aggregates have smaller surface area (relative to volume) so require less cement
Gains its strength from the reaction between the cement particles and water (hydration), the sand and aggregates are inert and act as fillers
Main reactive compounds in cement
Tricalcium silicate (alite)
Dicalcium silicate (belite)
Reacts quickly with water and gives concrete an early strength gain
Reacts more slowly and helps the concrete to develop late strength
Cement production has been estimated to produce around 4% of the world's CO2 emissions
Cement replacement materials
PFA (in its fine particle form)
Ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBFS)
Can replace a proportion of the cement in a concrete mix while maintaining strength, tend to slow down the strength gain of hardening concrete which can be advantageous
Water-cement ratio
Relationship between the weight of water and the weight of cement used, a lower ratio increases concrete strength
Typical water-cement ratios are generally 0.4 or 0.45, with a minimum of around 0.2 to completely hydrate the cement