conditions: economic, social, impact of war and political

Cards (20)

  • Political: relating to the government or public affairs of a country
  • Political:
    domination of USA: the Platt Amendment of 1901-1934- gave the USA control over Cuban foreign policy.
  • Political:
    Guantanamo bay became a US military base
  • Political:
    Batista's excess in repression, torture and persecution affecting his image, allowed Castro to rise.
  • Political:
    student protests and anti-barista demonstrations were threatening to topple his government. he used violence to kill student protestors. he refused to hold elections in March 1956.
  • Political:
    he killed 20,000 people during his dictatorship
  • Economic:
    the worlds largest supplier of sugar- exposed the economy to price fluctuations.
  • Economic:
    the sugar crop was worth $200m in 1929, but was only worth $40m in 1932.
  • Economic:
    the US was committed to buying 50% of the annual sugar crop.
  • Economic:
    the sugar trade brought in 80% of Cuba's foreign earnings.
  • Economic:
    the Banco Nacional collapsed, and the USA took economic control of Cuba for over three years.
  • Economic:
    unemployment was 17% in 1956-57- sugar workers were seasonal, and mostly owned by upper class or foreign companies.
  • Economic:
    1/4 of all workers lost their jobs during the Great Depression
  • Economic:
    Inflation- raising prices of imports, but lower sugar prices in the international market, therefore no money to buy imports.
  • Economic:
    Inflation- it was threatening the living standards of all Cubans, rising to 40% a year for foodstuffs whilst pay levels stagnated.
  • Social:
    20% of the population lived in Havana yet it accounted for over 80% of investment in construction and 62% of salaries and wages.
  • Social:
    Rural areas lacked running water or electricity.
  • Social:
    ownership was upper class only
  • Social:
    50% was illiterate
  • Economic:
    rural areas suffered from poor health and educational services