Chaperone mediated autophagy - solublecytosolic proteins containing a degenerate sequence motif are degraded by the lysosome, chaperone and LAMP2A dependent
macroautophagy involves sequestration and transport of protein aggregates and organelles (within membrane limited structures) to the lysosomes for degradation, can be ubiquitin dependent
Benefits of autophagy:
Non essential components can be recycled to provide energy and aminoacids for protein synthesis during cell starvation
Removal of misfolded protein aggregates, damaged organelles, invading intracellular bacteria eyc
Autophagy stages
Formation of phagophore / isolation membrane
Vesiclecompletion - autophagosome
Fusion - autolysosome
Degradation and recycling
Ubiqutination in autophagy:
Protein on surface of substrate is ubiquitinated with K63 linked chains
Adaptor proteins recognise the ubiquitin modified cargos
Cargo incorporated into autophagosome by autophagyreceptor
Also binds to lipidanchored LC3-II protein
Lipidanchoredproteins (LC3) are ubiquitinlike proteins in tertiary structure
LC3-II incorporates in to the developing phagophore via its lipidtail
Autophagy receptors simultaneously bind ubiquitin (UBD) and LC3-II (LIR)