
Cards (25)

  • Prohibition of Mixed Marriages Act (1949)
  • Population Registration Act (1950)
    -4 ethnicities: Black, White, Indian, Coloured
    -Office for Race Classification
    *'Pencil test'
    *Siblings classifyed differently
  • Group Areas Act (1950)
    -Government designated specific areas to ethnic groups
    ->Eviction of 3.5 million people from 1956-86 (30 years)
  • Supression of Communism Act (1950)
    -Any anti-government action described as communism
    ->Could be imprisoned for this
    -People and organisations could be banned
  • Immorality act (1950)
    -Banned interracial sexual intercourse
  • Native Law Amendment Act (1952)
    -Standardised use of refernce books across SA
    1. All Africans needed one
    2. Expired reference book = not allowed in urban area over 70 hrs
    3. Contained employment info, personal details, and photograph
    -First half of 1950s -> 968,000 arrests
  • Seperate Representation of Voters Act (1951)
    -Abolished franchise for Coloured South Africans
    ->Actually passed in 1953 when NP achieved 2/3 majority
  • Criminal Law Amendment Act (1953)
    -Anyone found with a person found guilty immidiately assumed guily by association
    ->Isolated leaders
  • Bantu Education Act (1953)
    1. Authority for African education moved to Department for Native Affairs
    2. Ended state money for mission schools (most black schools)
    3. New African curriculum (solely vocational)
  • Censorship Act (1953)
    -Any critisims of SA not allowed into country
  • Public Safety Act (1953)
    -Government could rule by emergency decree
  • Riotous Assemblies Act (1956)
    -'Banned' people couldn't adress crowds
    -Meeting which could cause 'hostility between races' outlawed
  • Extension of Univercities Act (1959)
    1950s: 4 English (3 accepted non-white), 4 Afrikaner, only 1 non-white uni
    ->Fort Hare (Nelson Mandela attended)
    -NP benned non-white students at English uni
    -3 new, strictly segregated black univercities
  • Bantu Self Government Act (1959)
    -Further developed Bantustans
    Ex. of failure: Transkei
    -Strife of corruption
    -PAC sabotaged
  • Unlawful Organisations Act (1960)
    -ANC and PAC banned
    (Response to Sharpville)
  • Sabotage Act (1962)
    -Strikes, trade union activity, and writing sloagans made illegal
  • General Laws Ammendments Act (1963)
    -Authorities could keep someone in custody without trial for 90 days
    (Could then be extended a further 90 days)
  • Terrorism Act (1967)
    -Gave police more power to arrest opposition
  • Community Councils Act (1977)
    -Established township councils
    By 1982: Township coucils solely responsible for townships
    -Needed to rais funds, so increased rent
    • Concellors hated and seen as collaborators
  • Internal Security Act (1982)
    -Anyone could be investigated + banned without giving a reason
  • Police Act (1982)
    -Banned critisism of the police
  • Inquest Act (1982)
    -Outlawed repoting of deaths in Police custody
  • Constitutional Changes (1983)
    1. Tricameral Parliment (Majority white, some Coloured and Indians)
    2. Prime Minister becomes president
    UDF Boycotts elections
  • Bantu Laws Amendment Act (1964)
    • Black SA could be deported from urban/ white farm ares
    • Created deporting quotas for unemployed black SA
  • Reservation of Seperate Ameneties Act (1953)