Create an image about the product against competitors
Goods and/or services
To identify a specific product/business, distinguish from competition
Benefits of branding
Provide psychological rewards, like prestige or status
Repeat sales
Encourage customer loyalty
New product introduction
Carry over effect for new products
Development of both product's container and graphic design
Benefits of packaging
Preserve product
Positive impressionism
Attract customers
Presentation of products/packaging's information- ingredients, operations, shelf life, country of origin
Amount of money a consumer is willing to pay for a product
Pricing methods
Cost-based pricing
Market-based pricing
Competition-based pricing
Cost-based pricing
Cost of production+additional costs x markup percentage= price. Used by wholesalers+retailers.
Cons of cost-based pricing: difficult to accurately price (too high, won't sell, too low, unneeded profit loss)
Market-based pricing
Pricing based on levels of supply and demand. Demand is high, supply is low, prices are high, and vice versa.
Competition-based pricing
Based on competition with similar products. Below competition- undercutting competition, break into established markets. Equal-avoid marketresearch on consumer pricing needs, above- seen superior, appeal to status-conscious consumers.
Pricing strategies
Price skimming
Highest possible price for product, establishment stage. prestige and status for consumers, gainhigh profits when demand is strong.
Pricing penetration
Offering lowest possible price. Achieve large market share for product (short-term)-massmarketing pricing.
Cons of pricing penetration: difficult to raise prices, locked into low sales revenue.
Loss leaders
Prices below cost price. Attract customers to business, low price image, for overstocked/slow products.
Cons of lossleaders: done incorrectly-lose money.
Price points
Predetermined prices. Retailers, clothing stores. Limit key prices. Encourage consumers to buy more expensive products.
Use of the internet to market and advertise
marketing methods
Social media advertising (SMA)
Text messages
Pros of social media advertising
Inexpensive form of ads
Easy to use+monitor
Effective to get exposure
Cons of socialmediaadvertising
Cannot accurately measure consumer reach and frequency
Enable criticism and ridicule of business/product
Cannot stop it
Publicity and public relations (PR)
Activities aimed to create positive relation between business and customer
Aims of publicity
Enhance product image
Product awareness
High business positive features
Reduce negative image
Ways to achieve publicity
Issues monitoring
Crisis management
Promoting positive image
Communicating messages
Opinion leaders
Respected individuals, used as an informationoutlet to endorse products to consumers
Examples of opinionleaders
Word of mouth
Individuals influence each other through conversations, and use social media platforms, as consumers trust word of mouth over advertisement
Paid, nonpersonal, message communicated through a mass medium
Purposes of advertising
Increase sales
Business profit
Advertising media
Mass marketing (television, newspapers)
Marketing catalogue (mail to households)
Telemarketing (telephone use to contract consumers)
E-marketing (use of internet)
Social media advertising (use of social media platforms)
Factors influencing advertising mediachoice
Product type
Business budget
Medium cost
Lifecycle position
The process of distributing products
Channels of distribution/marketing channels
Producer to consumer (simplest channel, no intermediaries)
Producer to retailer to consumer (intermediary buys product from business and resells to consumers)
Producer to wholesaler to retailer to customer (wholesalers buys in bulks, sells to retailer)
Producer to agent to wholesaler to intermediary to retailer to consumers (agent distributes the product, but does not own it, profits off commissions)
Other distribution channels
Telemarketing- customers purchase via television or computer
Internet marketing- customers purchase through the internet